Progress both in and beyond your job

    Step into a process that focuses on you and your work context. Acquire insights, as well as do's and don'ts that you can get straight to work with. What's the extra bonus? More self-confidence, energy and a perspective you believe in.

    Your questions and challenges in the workplace

    They will be the core of your process. What kind of questions and challenges? Well, these can be as diverse as you and I. For example, you often see these ones coming up: 

    In which role do you function best with your skill and value set? Which environment stimulates you best to be yourself and to grow further? How do you make a meaningful contribution to your team or organisation and what does this contribution consist of?

    How do you grow in the direction in which the organisation is heading? And what if you don't agree with this direction? What does this mean for your role and career? 

    Trees require wind to grow. But how far do you give way without allowing yourself to be uprooted? How do you remain faithful to your values and choices? And how do you still give yourself the space to explore other perspectives and to be open to opportunities in a situation that may at first only seem threatening?

    As a manager, you are an accelerator and enhancer. You stimulate the progress of the people around you so that they can use their potential to the full. In short, you provide what they need.

    Have you been recently appointed to a managerial position and would you like some guidance in this new role? Or have you been in charge for some time now and think it's time for a look in the mirror? Would you like to see how you're currently doing and explore how you can evolve further?

    Is your question not listed here? No worries: all of our processes focus on where you are now, what your goals are and what you need. We also adapt the format to these points of departure, through personal, duo or trio coaching, thematic workshops or training programmes, or through a combination of all of these.

    This is what you will get out of your process:

    • Insights leading to action that will allow you to take forward steps in and outside of work. 
    • Do's and don'ts that I will cross-check with you comprehensively, and that you can get started with straight away.
    • Added self-confidence, renewed energy and resilience, whatever your current situation. 

    Will I be the one finding the solution to your question or challenge? No, I go one further: as a "critical friend", I broaden your perspective and enhance you in your role. This allows you to see new opportunities and possibilities, with the solution coming from you. And this will only increase the likelihood of you working with it.

    Anchored in your work context at all times

    I make sure that our process doesn't just become a bubble that is separate from your work context, because that won’t be of much use to you afterwards. This is why I involve the client in every step:

    Before the process, we (you, the client and I) have an exploratory meeting where we look at where you currently are, where you want to go and what you need to achieve that.

    During the process, I keep the client informed of progress, while you provide content briefings. This enables your work environment to remain involved.

    After the process, as the start of the follow-up, you conduct the debriefing with the client so as to translate your insights into the work situation. We will prepare this debriefing together.

    You can count on a unique learning experience

    After all, that's what my clients call it. What’s my approach? Focusing on loop learning in all processes I offer. Learning about yourself, with an intense and lasting learning effect, with your potential as the starting point. This means clients achieve results that they keep coming back for.
    Tip for corona times: I built up a lot of experience in online or blended processes.

    Would you like to find out more or schedule an appointment?

    Why not give me a call to set up an informal exploratory meeting? I will listen closely to your question or challenge and share ideas with you. What happens if we have a connection? I will then draw up a clear proposal for you.

    Katelijne Callebaut